Be Yourself

DAY 12

Twice this year I ran into a form of the Grinch that I call the One Way.

Otherwise known as my way or the highway.

Don’t think for yourself.

Follow this path.

What an awkward place for someone who doesn’t believe in boxes.

I tried and tried to fit myself into these boxes (after all I had invested in these programs) while still maintaining my values, my sense of right and wrong, and my practice of empathy.

But in keeping true to my values I was caught coloring outside of the lines.


Today, I say, take the biggest crayon you can find and color loud and proud.

Write something you think others may not understand.

Sing a song in a different key.

Post something to inspire others.

I created the 12 Days of Creativity in part for my own bruised unboxed self as much as it is for all of you who have been bruised by boxes you didn’t order.

This is for artists and purpose-driven entrepreneurs, corporate creatives and those who are creative curious.

I see creativity as a beautiful loop, the process we do in service to ourselves and the outcome we then gift others.

Writing these 12 Days has reminded me to stay creative.

I hope reading or listening to these 12 Days of Creativity has helped you heal from the GrinchEs in your life.

I hope it has given you motivation to explore and expand your creative intuition.

And my wish for you is that you tapped into your own curiosity with a sense of wonder and joy.

In these short pieces, I shared different processes for staying open to ourselves and to the world around us.

I’m curious which of these practices would you like to deepen in the coming year?

Where are you going to lean into your creativity?

And who will you serve with your ideas, inspiration or output?


Whose Voice is in Your Head


Take a Pause