Earthworks: the story of oil

Featured in Upwork and linked in the NYT Op-Ed along with many region papers.

Awareness Building Campaign

Earthworks Action had documented hundreds of oil and gas fracking sites emitting pollution into the atmosphere but these documents lacked context. I joined their video project as an editor and was asked to create a video that showcased the need for regulation.

In Colorado, oil and gas lobby had created a narrative that natural gas was a green energy alternative that provided jobs.

By countering these narratives this video was part of a change in conversation about the impacts of fracking on human health. The videos in this series helped change methane regulations and raise funds for this campaign.


Client: Earthworks

“Laura has a way of understanding our story that lets us share our message in a way that cuts through the technical and political complications and gets to what’s human about the issue.  When I have a project, I know she’ll create a powerful tool that we can use in our campaigns.”

— Molly Dutton

Map Project


In 2014 Earthworks and partners launched a project documenting the impact of oil and gas pollution across the US. For this project I edited over 60 testimonials from impacted individuals.

My goals for each testimonial included to highlight a different aspect of the problem, and build empathy for the affected individuals, many whom do not typically have positive media coverage.

I also created videos summarizing the impact of oil and gas pollution on these individuals.


Bowman School: multi-audience message


Images of Inclusion